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Meet the Governors

Who are the Curbar Primary School Governors?

Jane Taylor, Chair

I was a parent governor and am now a co-opted governor. My son Isaac spent 4½ years at Curbar Primary School and is now at Lady Manners. My previous life involved working in Human Resources and teaching English. Since moving to Curbar I have been involved in various voluntary groups including Homestart UK, Bakewell and Eyam Community Transport and The Eastern Moors Partnership. I am on the Standards and Curriculum and Resource Management Committees. I have responsibility for Special Educational Needs and the achievement of other targeted groups of children.

Kelly Scott, Chair of Standards and Curriculum

I am a parent governor with a son, Sebastian, in class 1.  I work for a charity called Teenage Cancer Trust as Head of Youth Engagement and Participation which is home based with frequent travels to London, but am also a qualified primary teacher (I trained at Curbar) and worked at Hathersage Primary School teaching key stage 2.  I am involved in the Standards and Curriculum Committee with responsibility for Music and Modern Foreign Languages.  Whenever possible, I enjoy supporting the PTFA and have found it a great way to meet people in the village.  I usually do pick up on Fridays and most mornings, so please do stop for a chat if you would find it helpful. 

George Wolfe, Vice Chair, Chair of Resource Management Committee

My career was as a solicitor and administrator in local government and the Peak National Park. I responded to a request for volunteers to be school governors and was governor of another school before moving on to Curbar in 2015. I have lived in Calver for 38 years and am also involved in community transport, Matlock Music, Derbyshire Wildlife Trust, Calver Weir and the local history group. I am chair of the Resource Management Committee and have special responsibility for Safeguarding and Anti Bullying.

Simon Beahan, Headteacher

I am the Acting Executive Headteacher at both Curbar Primary School and Longstone Primary School.  I joined Curbar in September 2015 having previously worked in Sheffield as an acting head and deputy head teacher at Mosborough Primary School.  Before this, I spent time teaching in other schools in Sheffield, Liverpool and the Wirral.  I moved to Sheffield permanently in 2001 having previously attended the University in the mid 90’s. As the Headteacher, I am a member of all the committees.  In September 2020, I joined Longstone CE (VA) Primary School as their Acting Executive Headteacher until the end of August 2021.

David Jackson

My working life started in the electrochemical industry, I made a career change in my 30s to work in IT, working for Royal Mail as a project Manager, transferred by Royal Mail to Chesterfield in 2000 and then joined CSC. While working for CSC I acted as a Young Business Advisor supporting a disabled group based at Chesterfield College. Since taking early retirement and moving to Froggatt a few years ago, I have become involved in a number of community activities in various roles.  As a governor I am on the Resource Management Committee.

Linda Berry, Staff Governor

I am senior teacher, class one teacher and SENCo at Curbar Primary school.  I joined the school in 2006 having previously worked in Lancashire.  I have worked in primary education for the past 25 years, initially as a Nursery Nurse then as a teacher.  I have a special interest in Special Educational needs and 3 years ago added the SENCo qualification to support my role.  I am on the Standards and Curriculum Committee with special responsibility for English.

Alan Cain

I am a parent of two children at Lady Manners School, both of whom previously attended Curbar Primary. In my professional life I am a Resilience Manager responsible for emergency preparedness, resilience and response (EPRR) for Greater Manchester NHS. This includes emergency planning for disruptive events including severe weather, flooding, fire, power failures and terrorist incidents. I also provide advice to Clinical Commissioning Groups in regards to Prevent.  I am on the Resource Management Committee and I have responsibility for Health and Safety.

Charlotte Cooper

I am a Local Authority Governor and live in Curbar, running a smallholding and free-range egg business with my husband. A journalist by training, I mostly write about rural issues. I was invited to play a part at Curbar by the chair of the governors after volunteering at the Curbar Commotion and am also involved in Curbar Parish Council, Baslow Village Hall Committee, Baslow Players and Chatsworth Players.  I am on the Resource Management Committee and am the link governor for PE.

Amy Hughes 

I became a Parent Governor at the beginning of 2022 and am a member of the Standards and Curriculum Committee.  I have 2 children at Curbar Primary School, Ezra (Reception in 2017) and Stella (Reception in 2019).  I initially came to this area when I joined Sheffield University to study Medicine.  I was lucky to be able to move from Sheffield to Calver in 2012, I now work as a Consultant Psychiatrist in Derbyshire.  Fortunately I work part time so can be found at the school gates on Monday and Wednesday

Lindsay Holden

I am a parent governor and my daughter, Beatrice, started at Curbar Primary School in 2022 in the reception class.  Having been a former pupil of the school it is lovely to see her now getting to be a part of the Curbar community.  We have also just welcomed our son, Freddie, into the family.  When not on maternity leave, I am a corporate/commercial solicitor at a global design, manufacturing and distribution of building materials company.  As part of my role as a parent governor, I have become part of the Standards and Curriculum Committee with responsibility for Maths.  I am also involved with the PTFA.  I am usually at the school gate for pick-ups and so do please stop to chat if that would be helpful.  

Please see provisional governor meeting dates in the document below.

Curbar – governor meeting dates for 2022 – 2023

Publication of Governor’s Details and Register of Interests

The Governors and Associate Members of Curbar Primary School recognise that we hold an important public office and as such strive to operate at all times with transparency and have the well-being of the children and the reputation of the school at heart.  As a result, we publish up-to-date details of our governance arrangements here on the school website.

This information includes all the names of the Governors, what category of governor they are and which body appointed them.  It states each individuals term of office according to our constitution.  It names the committees that each governor serves on and any specific positions of responsibility held.

Each individual Governors attendance at the Governing Body and Committee meetings over the last academic year is also published here.

We also acknowledge here any relevant business, pecuniary or material interests, including relationships which have potential to cause a conflict of interest.

Our code of conduct clearly states what is expected of the Governors of Curbar Primary School and is reaffirmed yearly.

Please refer to the downloadable document for this information or see the information further down the page.

Curbar Governor Information for Website – Oct 2022

Governor Attendance:

  • P Present
  • A Apologies tendered and accepted: governors have to explain to the Full Governing Body why a meeting cannot be attended and those present at the meeting have to decide whether to accept the reason offered because a governor who, without the consent of the Full Governing Body, fails to attend their meetings for a continuous period of six months, is liable to disqualification.   Acceptable reasons include illness; hospital attendance or admission; work commitments; pre-booked holidays and family emergencies.  Associate Members (who also serve on committees) are not bound by these rules
  • AD Apologies Declined: the reason given for non-attendance is not accepted by the Full Governing Body at their meeting.
  • DNA Did not attend.
  • X Not yet appointed/invited to attend
  • R Resigned

CURBAR-LONGSTONE JOINT COMMITTEE: the members of this committee from Curbar Community School are Simon Beahan, Jane Taylor, George Wolfe and Helen Walton.   The committee meets, as required, to discuss issues affecting the ongoing collaboration with Longstone C of E School where Simon Beahan is also the Executive Head Teacher.

Sub Committee Attendance:

Pecuniary and Personal Interests: No governor has a spouse or partner who is working/has worked in or for the school save for Alan Cain: Mrs Cain works at the school as a TLA.


  • DCC – Derbyshire County Council
  • FGB – Full Governing Body
  • N/A – not applicable
  • SEND – Special Educational Needs and Disability
  • H&S – Health and Safety
  • S&C Standards and Curriculum Committee
  • RMC Resource Management Committee
  • TBA – to be advised