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Meet the Team

Executive Head Teacher – Mr Simon Beahan


Mr Beahan is also the Headteacher at Longstone C of E School. Mr Beahan is the Designated Safeguarding Lead in school.

Senior Teacher – Mrs Linda Berry


Mrs Berry is our Class 1 teacher (Busy Bees – year 1 & 2). Mrs Berry is also the school SENCo.

Class Teacher – Miss Claudie Pattison


Miss Pattison is our Class 2 teacher (Silver Birch – years 3 & 4). Miss Pattison is the Deputy Safeguarding Lead.

Class Teacher – Mrs Chantelle Stirling


Mrs Stirling is our Class 3 teacher (Elder – years 5 and 6).

Teaching Assistant – Mrs Sue Ridgeway


Mrs Ridgeway is one of our Teaching Assistants. She works with children across the school and is a playground supervisor at lunchtime.

Class Teacher – Mrs Callard


Mrs Callard teaches our Reception children in School House (Bumble Bees).

Lunchtime Supervisor- Mrs Kelli Allen


Mrs Allen is a lunchtime supervisor and volunteer in school.

Class Teacher – Mrs Jenny Reeves


Mrs Reeves is our PE teacher.

School Cook & Cleaner in Charge – Carol Wilson


Carol is both our school cook, who prepares fabulous, fresh, tasty school meals daily on site, and our cleaner in charge.

Teaching Assistant – Mrs Wilson


Miss Bishop Bingley is one of our Teaching Assistants. She works with children across school and as a playground supervisor at lunchtime.

Lunchtime Supervisor – Mrs Cain


Mrs Cain is one of our midday supervisors.

Class teacher – Mrs Rachel Taylor


Mrs Taylor is a our Class 3 teacher (Elder – Years 5 and 6)