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Class 2- Years 3 and 4 – Silver Birch

Who lives in Antarctica?

This half term, Birch’s topic is geography based as they learn about Antarctica.

Please see below to find out what else they will be learning about!

English – Writing

This term we will be writing a description (of Antarctica as a setting) and writing a biography (to inform) of Ernest Shackleton. 

English – Spelling

This term, your child will receive two different lists of spelling words drawn from a variety of sources, including common exception words and the National Curriculum. The lists will form the basis of the work for approximately three weeks each. There will not be a traditional weekly spelling test – instead success will be determined in the final piece of writing. Feel free to test your child at home on the spelling words.


Children will be given opportunities to develop their reading as part of their English lessons.   This will include a focus on fluency.  In class, our book study will be ‘The Last Bear’ by Hannah Gold.

You can help your child at home by-

  • Listening to your child read each day.
  • Ask your child to talk about the book they are reading and talk around the story (using skills of inference and deduction)
  • Encourage them to complete at least one entry or activity in their reading record each week. This should be handed in with their homework book each week.


In maths we will be learning about:

  • Place Value
  • Addition and Subtraction
  • Multiplication and Division

All aspects will be taught with an increased focus on reasoning and problem solving, as well as teaching mental and written methods and strategies.

You can help your child at home by:

Practising times tables skills (especially Year 4 children)
  • Practising basic mathematical facts such as doubling and halving common numbers.

Please see information about the Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check in June below.


Living things and their habitats (Habitat Helpers). 


Kapow unit, ‘Who lives in Antarctica?’


Kapow unit, ‘Cooking and nutrition: Eating Seasonally’. 


Why is Jesus so inspiring to some people?




Charanga Units, ‘Playing in a band’ and ‘Exploring feelings when you play’.


Kapow unit, ‘Computing systems and networks’.


Distance running activities and football skills and small-sided games.


Les Planetes (including Holst)


Birch children will be given:

  • one piece of reading comprehension
  • one piece of grammar, punctuation and spelling
  • one piece of maths work

This work will be from the CGP targeted question books. The work will either develop or consolidate our learning in class. They should spend at least 20-30 minutes completing it to the best of their ability. They will also get a longer project linked to our topic, which will be due in during the last week of term. They could spend a little bit of time each week, or complete the whole project in one week. Completed work should be handed in every Monday and will be returned by Tuesday.  


  • Monday – PE kit required. Depending on the weather, the class will be at school or the Village Hall.  We will send a text to let you know.
  • Tuesday – Forest School 
  • Friday – the class will visit the library.  Library books can be returned any day.

Please do not hesitate to contact staff at school if you have any questions regarding your child’s learning.  Thank you for your continued support!

Please find the end of year expectations for reading, writing and maths for Year 3 and Year 4 below: